Are you scientist? Are you interested in increasing dissemination and visibility of your research? This can be done, for example, through Open Access publications.
The workshop gives an overview of the possibilities of publishing research results and support for the individual publication strategy.
- What do the TU Darmstadt and research funders understand by Open Access?
- Which funding and financing possibilities are available for publications of TU members?
- Which publishers, other publication organs or offers of the ULB could be useful for me?
- What are the quality criteria for specialist publishers?
- What rights do I have as an author?
- Which services does the ULB offer to members of TU Darmstadt to support them in implementing the Open Access Policy?
You will get answers to these questions in the workshop and can apply your new knowledge directly to practical
Target audience: Scientific staff
Lecturers: Anne-Christine Günther & Karen Schiele (ULB Darmstadt)
Date: 21.05.2024 9:50 a.m. - 11:20 p.m.
Registration: Registration until 24h before the start of the workshop via Cituro
Tool used: Zoom
Link to the original application here.
Visual material: