The C@MPUS Business card can be used by applicants and students to add personal information such as a business card picture or link to homepage.
All information that you can enter on your business card, as well as uploading a business card picture, is voluntary. Please note that your business card can be viewed by employees with appropriate permissions.
Applicants and students
Open the business card
In C@MPUS, you can call up your own business card from any application using the linked name in the upper right corner (screenshot on the left).
To access your business card in mobile view, click on the triple bar icon to open a navigation and then on your name (screenshot on the right).
Start editing by clicking on the button Select (Detail view) and then on the item Edit.
E-Mail Address
If you want to change your mail address and you can still access your "old" account, please follow the instructions on page 7 in this documentation: C@MPUS basis account: using the account
If you want to change your mail addres and you cannot access your "old" account, please contact the C@MPUS-Support.
Mail addresses from students with an st-account cannot be changed.
Business card picture
To upload a new business card picture, please click on the button Edit. You can then adjust the picture and save it.
Your business card picture is also visible in the application My Student Files.
Ihr Visitenkartenbild wird auch in der Applikation Meine Studierendenkartei angezeigt.
Open the business card
If you have logged into C@MPUS, your business card will be displayed directly. Alternatively, you can always access your business card by clicking on your name in the upper right-hand area.
In the upper right area (below the logo of the University of Stuttgart) you can select the menu item Edit to open an editing mask.
C@MPUS Support Team
- Write e-mail
- For solving technical issues concerning accounts, apps and functions of C@MPUS