Storage for Science (bwSFS-2)


A cooperative Storage and Management System for Research Data of the Universities Stuttgart, Hohenheim, Tübingen and Freiburg

In the MWK-funded project bwSFS2, the Storage for Science service of the Universities of Tübingen and Freiburg is being expanded to include additional hardware and software components that enable simple management, provision and metadating of large-scale research data directly in the research process.

The system will offer a newly developed storage management interface, fast central storage via the CIFS and NFS protocols as well as globally accessible S3 long-term storage at four locations in Baden-Württemberg.

The aim of the project is also to integrate the documentation of research data more easily into the research process and to facilitate the implementation of the FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) through early and automatable metadata.

For the development of the software, the company Nodeum was recruited as an excellent partner with experience in the development of research data management systems.

Project information

Duration: 06/2024 - 06-2025

Project participants: University of Hohenheim (KIM), University of Stuttgart (TIK-SAS, FoKUS), Nodeum

Project funding: Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg



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