Information and Communication Center of the University of Stuttgart (IZUS)

The IZUS supplies the University of Stuttgart with information and IT services from one provider.

One of the key responsibilities of the Information and Communication Center of the University of Stuttgart is to provide information in an appropriate form, to make it accessible in consideration of its various purposes, and at the same time to protect and archive the information. In addition, optimal IT support is central for a modern university that wants to offer excellent conditions, including lean and efficient administrative structures, for outstanding research and teaching.

As a central facility, the IZUS is subordinate to the Rectorate and supervised by Dr. Simone Rehm, Vice Rector for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer (CIO). For further information, please also consult the current administrative regulations of the IZUS.

University Library of Stuttgart (UB)

The University Library of Stuttgart (UB) consists of the central library of the University (University Library), and the individual libraries of the other university institutions. The UB is also the central service unit for literature and other information media.

Technical Information and Communication Services (TIK)

Technical Information and Communications Services (TIK) are responsible for the digital processing of information, as well as for communication technology. This includes planning, consulting, and coordinating fundamental concepts of information supply, as well as the University’s media services. Furthermore, TIK operates as a service provider for all interested user groups within the fields of teaching, study, research, and administration.

Further units of IZUS are IZUS/ITAP and IZUS/FoKUS:

Competence Center for IT Applications and Projects (ITAP)

The Competence Centre for IT Applications and Projects (ITAP) is responsible for implementing and maintaining various specialized applications utilized in supporting processes at the University of Stuttgart. The largest application maintained by the Team is C@MPUS. The Team is currently assisting the implementation of a research information system (FIS) as well as a software to support the university’s doctoral program (WINaCUS). It also provides expertise and advice to support the initiation of new projects and facilitate software selection processes.

Further information

Competence Center for Research Data Management (FoKUS)

The Competence Center for Research Data Management (FoKUS) is the contact point for all questions concerning research data management (FDM): from data management plans to storage space, administration, publication and archiving. The FoKUS-Team offers individual advice on research data management throughout the entire data life cycle.

Further information


This image shows Jörn Beutner

Jörn Beutner

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)


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